How did Healthy! Capital Counties get started?In late 2010, the four hospital systems in the Lansing, Michigan area realized that they needed to begin planning for a community health needs assessment and improvement planning, required by the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. They reached out to the local Public Health Departments, who each serve a different county in the three county Capital Area. Local public health departments, besides being committed to community health assessment and improvement planning as an essential public health service, were interested in working in partnership to achieve greater improvements in health outcomes. Through several months of planning, the health departments and the hospitals reached the conclusion that working together was the best way of mobilizing resources to improve health.
We are excited that the resulting Healthy! Capital Counties collaboration is now entering its fifth cycle, demonstrating the shared value to the project partners and the Capital Area community.
Project PartnersHospital partners include:
Eaton Rapids Medical Center McLaren Greater Lansing University of Michigan Health - Sparrow Health Department partners include: Barry-Eaton District Health Department Ingham County Health Department Mid-Michigan District Health Department Additionally, we rely on a large, diverse group of community participants who assures that our assessment and improvement planning process accurately reflects the needs and priorities of the community at large. Please e-mail Luca if you are interested in joining our mailing list to hear more about opportunities for participation! |